
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

ARD CER D11 OTA-R31 Steering mod + Countersteer

Finally got my new parts for the CER... Now I have higher CS-ratio (1.8CS) and better Steering (OTA-R31 suspension set).... Really like the new look and feel of the part, fits very well... can't wait to test drive it ;-) 
The Destruction :D

First I had to disassamble nearly everything... but it didnt nearly took as much time as I thought it would.. the layout of the CER is much simpler then the one on my VDF... Only have to unscrew like 10 screws to remove the whole front bulkhead and engine mount...I like that :) 

then I cleaned the front one way with WD-40. I already disassembled everything so I was like: "well, why not clean it when I'm at it".. runs a lot smoother now then before... I also shimmed the front oneway and the rear spool with spacers to reduce play. So far I really like the "new" feeling.. cant wait to get it on the track. 
New pulleys... D-like 38T pulley for the one-way, 14T center one-way and Square 21T pulley for center-rear. Too bad I havent found a black Square pulley in stock, but this blue one will do for now.

OTA-R31 suspension set installed. I use it in the front and back to replace the kinda weird ARD CVDs which have (imo) bad aftermarket support in case you break something (like I did). I had to use quite a lot of spacer (from tamiya) but after all that work the reward was great. Much better steering concept from Streetjam IMO...only thing I'll eventually MAYBE change are the CVDs... Angle is great though, all the pictures here aren't even with maxed angle, but I haven't connected the servo rod yet, so it already "swings back" a bit when I took the photo (because of the caster)...

I run now:

~80% CS
a LOT of camber back and front (-10° would be my first guess) to fit the CVDs and my new VIP Drift car WIP :P
and finally lipos to reduce the weight even more.

I really can't wait for the next driftsession because I wanna see how it'll affect the chassis.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

New parts for my CER D11

HPI JZX100 body and Eagle Racing brake discs.
Streetjam OTA-R31 Suspension set, 21T Square pulley and Yokomo DRB white tie-rod ends.
D-like CS Pulleys, Xenon racing perfect pinion + spur gear, HPI light buckets for JZX100 and some shims and spacers from tamiya...

Damn, my car is really becoming a "bastard child" driftmonster with the best parts from every company......^_^